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Names That Mean Sage

108 names found for "Sage"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Sage? We couldn't find the exact name Sage, but listed below are some first names meaning Sage or names similar to the word Sage.

Similar Names

Saa | Saagh | Saga | Sagh | Saka | Say | Shae | Shage | Shawe | Shaye |

Related Names

Udank  (Hindu)
Name of a Sage
Valmiki  (Hindu)
The Sage Who Wrote Ramayan
Vasoshta  (Hindu)
A Great Sage Ram Purohit
Visravas  (Hindu)
A Sage- Ravana's Father
Wicasa  (Native American)
Sage (Dakota)
Wynda  (Scottish)
From the Narrow Passage
Yagnavalkya  (Hindu)
A Sage
Yekath  (Hindu)
A Sage 's Name

Additional Names

Meryle | Felix | Dolaidh | Vinata | Cedrik | Jurre | Armando | Josef | Della | Kingsley | Xanthus | Welcome | Hauran | Emblem | Bani |