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Names That Mean Sandra

58 names found for "Sandra"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Sandra? We couldn't find the exact name Sandra, but listed below are some first names meaning Sandra or names similar to the word Sandra.

Similar Names

Sander | Sandor | Sandro | Sindri | Saundra | Shandra | Sondra | Samudra |

Related Names

Aleksandra  (Russian)
Defender of Man
Aleksandra  (Ukrainian)
Defender of Man
Alessandra  (Italian)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Alyssandra  (French)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Casandra  (Spanish)
Unheeded Prophetess. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded
Casey  (English)
From a Polish Word Meaning 'Proclamation of Peace.' a Diminutive of Casirnir, Cassandra, or Catherine. Popularized As a Boy's Name by the American Folk Song 'Casey Jones'
Casey  (English)
Diminutive of Cassandra: Cassandra Was a Trojan Prophetess, Daughter of King Priam. This Name Became Popular in Medieval Britain, and Fashionable in the Usa in the Mid-oth Century. A Diminutive of Cas
Casey  (Celtic)
From Cassandra Meaning Helper of Men
Cass  (English)
Diminutive of Cassandra: Cassandra Was a Trojan Prophetess, Daughter of King Priam. A Diminutive of Casirnir, Cassandra, or Catherine. Also Used As an Independent Name
Cassandra  (Greek)
A Female Saint/ Prophet
Cassandra  (English)
Cassandra Was a Trojan Prophetess, Daughter of King Priam. This Name Became Popular in Medieval Britain, and Fashionable in the Usa in the Mid-oth Century
Cassandra  (Greek)
One Who Confuses Men of Men (Cass, Cassie, Sandi, Sandra, Sandie)
Cassandra  (Greek)
Cassandra  (Latin)
Cassandra  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' Daughter to Priam, and a Prophetess
Cassandra  (Greek)
Unheeded Prophetess. Cassandra Was a Trojan Prophetess, Daughter of King Priam. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded
Cassandrea  (Greek)
Unheeded Prophetess. Cassandra Was a Trojan Prophetess, Daughter of King Priam. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded
Cassaundra  (Greek)
Unheeded Prophetess. Cassandra Was a Trojan Prophetess, Daughter of King Priam. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded
Cassi  (English)
Abbreviation of Cassandra. Unheeded Prophetess. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded
Cassie  (Greek)
From Cassandra- Prophetess
Cassie  (Greek)
Purity; Unheeded Prophetess. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded
Cassie  (English)
Unheeded Prophetess. A Diminutive of Casirnir, Cassandra, or Catherine. Cassandra Was a Trojan Prophetess, Daughter of King Priam. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was
Cassondra  (Greek)
Form of Cassandra. Unheeded Prophetess
Cassy  (English)
Abbreviation of Cassandra. Unheeded Prophetess. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded
Deanda  (English)
Blend of Deanne: (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea: (Masculine) and Sandra: (Protector of Man. )
Deandra  (English)
Blend of Deanne: (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea: (Masculine) and Sandra: (Protector of Man. )
Deandrea  (English)
Blend of Deanne: (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea: (Masculine) and Sandra: (Protector of Man. )
Deandria  (English)
Blend of Deanne: (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea: (Masculine) and Sandra: (Protector of Man. )
Deeandra  (English)
Blend of Deanne, Meaning Divine, Plus Variants of Andrea (Masculine) and Sandra (Protector of Man. )
Dianda  (English)
Blend of Deanne (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea (Masculine) and Sandra (Protector of Man. )
Diandra  (English)
Blend of Deanne (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea (Masculine) and Sandra (Protector of Man. )
Diandre  (English)
Blend of Deanne (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea (Masculine) and Sandra (Protector of Man. )
Kasandra  (Spanish)
Variant of Greek Kassandra. 'Unheeded Prophetess
Kasaundra  (Greek)
Variant of Kassandra. Unheeded Prophetess
Kasondra  (Greek)
Variant of Kassandra. Unheeded Prophetess
Kassandra  (Greek)
Unheeded Prophetess. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded
Kassi  (English)
Contemporary Abbreviation of Kassandra and Other Names That Being With 'Kas-'
Kassi  (English)
Contemporary Abbreviation of Kassandra and Other Names That Being With 'Kas-'
Kassie  (English)
Abbreviation of Cassandra. Unheeded Prophetess. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded
Kassondra  (Greek)
Variant of Kassandra. Unheeded Prophetess
Kendra  (English)
Knowledge. Can Also Be a Blend of Ken, Meaning Royal Obligation;Clear Water, and Sandra, Meaning: Protector of Man, or Andrea, Meaning Manly or Masculine
Kendria  (English)
Blend of Ken, Meaning Royal Obligation;Clear Water, and Sandra, Meaning: Protector of Man, or Andrea, Meaning Manly or Masculine
Kindra  (English)
Blend of Ken: (Royal Obligation;Clear Water) and Sandra: (Protector of Man) or Andrea: (Manly or Masculine)
Lisandra  (English)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Lisandra  (Greek)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander. Liberator. Feminine of Lysander
Lissandra  (Greek)
Liberator. Feminine of Lysander
Lissandra  (Italian)
Variant of Alexandra
Lyaksandra  (Ukrainian)
Defender of Man
Lysandra  (Greek)
Defends Man
Lysandra  (Greek)
One Who is Freed
58 names found for "Sandra"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

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