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Names That Mean Sever

63 names found for "Sever"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Sever? We couldn't find the exact name Sever, but listed below are some first names meaning Sever or names similar to the word Sever.

Similar Names

Saber | Seaver | Severo | Sheber | Syver |

Related Names

Severino  (Latin)
Severn  (English)
Strict. Restrained. Surname
Severne  (English)
Strict. Restrained. Surname
Severo  (Spanish)
Strict; Restrained
Seweryn  (Polish)
Seweryn  (Latin)
Shihobu  (Japanese)
Simon  (English)
God Heard; Derived from Hebrew Shimon (Heard). The Name is Borne in the Bible by Two of the Twelve Apostles and a Brother of Jesus, As Well As Several Other New Testament Characters. (Si-mun)
Soren  (Scandinavian)
Strict. Variant of Severin; a Saint's Name
Stearc  (Anglo Saxon)
Tanis  (Slavic)
Spanish Abbreviation of Estanislao 'Make Famous' from the Name Borne by Several Slavic Kings and Three Saints
Tanis  (Spanish)
Spanish Abbreviation of Estanislao 'Make Famous' from the Name Borne by Several Slavic Kings and Three Saints
Zillah  (Hebrew)
Shadow, Severe, Honest, Discreet, Deep Sense of Duty

Additional Names

Eagan | Misae | Nobuko | Divyatej | Sol | Lavinia | Atley | Larenzo | Worrell | Calder | Indulala | Raziya | Squier | Creda | Borivoj |