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Meaning of the Name Shari

The first name Shari is of Hebrew origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Diminutive of Sharon: from the Plain of Sharon (In the Holy Land); from the Land of Sharon

Similar Names

Sar | Sarai | Shakir | Sharai | Sharar | Sheary | Shiro | Shukri | Shur | Shura |

Related Names

Cerise  (French)
Cherry Red (Cherise, Sheriz, Sharise)
Shareef  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharif: Noble. Eminent. Distinguished
Shareef  (Arabic)
Variant of Sharif: Illustrious
Shareefa  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharifa: Distinguished. Noble
Shareeka  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharika: Partner. Participant
Sharieff  (Hindu)
High Born Also Shareef, Sharif
Sharif  (Muslim)
Noble. Eminent. Distinguished
Sharif  (Islamic)
Widely Respected (Shareef, Shereef)
Sharif  (Arabic)
Illustrious. A Name of Descendants of Mohammed
Sharifa  (Muslim)
Distinguished. Noble
Sharifa  (Egyptian)
Sharifah  (Arabic)
Sharifah  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharifa: Distinguished. Noble
Sharika  (Muslim)
Partner. Participant
Sharis  (Hebrew)
Flat Plain
Sharon  (Hebrew)
Plains, Harmonious, Musical (Sharyn, Shari)
Shereef  (Arabic)
Variant of Sharif: Illustrious
Sherif  (Arabic)
Variant of Sharif: Illustrious

Additional Names

Eden | Brad | Tasman | Marden | Webbe | Owen | Zelda | Benke | Rosaleen | Ferghus | Queenie | Malina | Destrey | Carmella | Barjesus |