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Names That Mean Shel

77 names found for "Shel"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Shel? We couldn't find the exact name Shel, but listed below are some first names meaning Shel or names similar to the word Shel.

Similar Names

Sal | Saul | Seely | Sel | Sela | Shail | Shala | Shaul | Shelah | Shelly |

Related Names

Shelemiah  (Biblical)
God is My Perfection; My Happiness; My Peace
Sheleph  (Biblical)
Who Draws Out
Shelesh  (Biblical)
Captain; Prince
Shelley  (English)
River Farm (Sheldon, Shelton)
Shelley  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Ledge Meadow
Shelley  (English)
From the Ledge Meadow
Shelley  (English)
Meadow on a Ledge
Shelley  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Ledge Meadow
Shelley  (English)
From the Ledge Meadow
Shelly  (English)
Meadow on a Ledge
Shelly  (English)
Variant of Shelley: Meadow on a Ledge
Shelly  (English)
Variant of Shelley: from the Ledge Meadow
Shelly  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Ledge Meadow
Shelny  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Ledge Farm
Shelomi  (Biblical)
My Peace, My Happiness, My Recompense
Shelomi  (Biblical)
My Peace, My Happiness, My Recompense
Shelomith  (Biblical)
My Peace, My Happiness, My Recompense
Shelomith  (Biblical)
My Peace, My Happiness, My Recompense
Shelomo  (Hebrew)
Shelton  (English)
From the Ledge Farm 'Deep Valley.'
Shelumiel  (Biblical)
God is My Perfection; My Happiness; My Peace
Skye  (Dutch)
Skyla  (Dutch)
Skylar  (Dutch)
Wa'il  (Muslim)
Coming Back (For Shelter)
Waa'il  (Muslim)
Variant of Wa'Il: Coming Back (For Shelter)
Waki  (Native American)
Shelter (Hopi)

Additional Names

Makimus | Launcelot | Ezera | William | Feodora | Columbine | Rurik | Andranetta | Hozai | Ze'ev | Delrico | Izzy | Galit | Shikha | Belakane |