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Meaning of the Name Shet

The first name Shet is of Hebrew origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Compensation

Similar Names

Scot | Set | Seth | Shad | Sheeth | Shith | Skeat | Skeet | Skete | Stew |

Related Names

Brenda  (Scottish)
From the Norse, Meaning Sword or Torch, This Name Was Originally Used Only in the Shetland Isles of Scotland, But Spread to Other Parts of the English-speaking World After Brenda Appeared As a Heroine
Dabbasheth  (Biblical)
Flowing With Honey
Dabbasheth  (Biblical)
Flowing With Honey
Gozan  (Biblical)
Fleece, Pasture, Who Nourisheth the Body
Gozan  (Biblical)
Fleece, Pasture, Who Nourisheth the Body
Harosheth  (Biblical)
A Forest, Agriculture, Workmanship, Deafness, Silence
Harosheth  (Biblical)
A Forest, Agriculture, Workmanship, Deafness, Silence
Ishbosheth  (Biblical)
A Man of Shame
Jerubbesheth  (Biblical)
Let the Idol of Confusion Defend Itself
Keshet  (Hebrew)
Liesheth  (Hebrew)
Devoted to God
Mephibosheth  (Biblical)
Out of My Mouth Proceeds Reproach
Muna  (Native American)
Seth  (Hebrew)
Appointed; Derived from Sheth. The Name is Borne in the Bible by the Third Son of Adam and Eve. He Was Born After the Death of His Brother Abel. (Seeth)
Shetan  (Indian)
A Demon
Shethar  (Biblical)
Putrefied, Searching
Shethar  (Biblical)
Putrefied, Searching
Shethar-boznai  (Biblical)
That Makes to Rot, That Seeks Those Who Despise Me
Shethar-boznai  (Biblical)
That Makes to Rot, That Seeks Those Who Despise Me

Additional Names

Steafan | Shuah | Ezem | Agdta | Arcilla | Una | Zophie | Bhavana | Nikolai | Katina | Zayne | Poldi | Nunzio | Hans | Feri |