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Meaning of the Name Shiho

The first name Shiho is of Japanese origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Japanese: To Maintain Original Intention

Similar Names

Shah | Shisha | Shiye | Shiza | Shuo | Seiko | Shige | Shika | Shikha | Shizu |

Related Names

Shihobu  (Japanese)
Shihon  (Biblical)
Sound, Wall of Strength
Shihon  (Biblical)
Sound, Wall of Strength
Shihor-libnah  (Biblical)
Blackness of Libnah
Shihor-libnah  (Biblical)
Blackness of Libnah

Additional Names

Esrom | Adriane | Cecrops | Damia | Dannah | Ulger | Cetanwakuwa | Rikard | Mikhail | Aldys | Shlomo | Jerold | Justin | Nunciata | Sanders |