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Names That Mean Shing

66 names found for "Shing"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Shing? We couldn't find the exact name Shing, but listed below are some first names meaning Shing or names similar to the word Shing.

Similar Names

Sheng | Shuang |

Related Names

Vernell  (French)
Green; Flourishing
Vernell  (Latin)
Green; Flourishing
Vernon  (Latin)
Virgi  (Latin)
Flourishing (Vergil)
Virgil  (English)
Flourishing. Roman Poet-philosopher Virgil Works Have Been Classic Texts of Roman History and the Latin Language for Years
Virgil  (Latin)
Flourishing. Derived from a Roman Clan Name (Vergilius). Roman Poet Virgil Was the Author of the 'Aeneid'
Virgil  (Latin)
Virgilio  (Latin)
Virginia  (Latin)
Purity, Flourishing, Robust, Cheerful, Tender. (Ginny, Ginger)
Washington  (English)
Town Near the Water
Washington  (English)
Place Near the Water
Washington  (English)
From the Intelligent One's Farm; from the Town of Wassa's People. Famous Bearer: First U.S. President, George Washington (-)
Washington  (Teutonic)
Yei  (Japanese)
Zahir  (Islamic)
Shining, Flourishing
Zidon  (Biblical)
Hunting; Fishing; Venison

Additional Names

Quinn | Aud | Cecily | Leiriope | Cuithbeart | Kaeleigh | Reese | Tora | Byrleigh | Speranza | Lillian | Lanu | Nisreen | Balachandra | Saad |