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Names That Mean Sian

135 names found for "Sian"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Sian? We couldn't find the exact name Sian, but listed below are some first names meaning Sian or names similar to the word Sian.

Similar Names

Sagan | Sahan | Sam | Saman | San | Sani | Saxan | Sean | Sein | Senan |

Related Names

Evgenii  (Russian)
Russian Form of Eugene 'Noble'
Fabi  (Russian)
Russian Form of Fabian 'Bean Farmer'
Fedyenka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Theodore 'Gift from God'
Feliks  (Russian)
Russian Form of Felix 'Lucky'
Filip  (Russian)
Russian Form of Philip 'Loves Horses'
Fraser  (Scottish)
Used As a Surname; This Name Was Thought to Be Evolved from Frisell (A Frisian - a Native of Frisian Islands). Variations: Frazer. (Fraze-er)
Fredek  (Russian)
Russian Form of Frederick 'Peaceful Ruler'
Frederick  (German)
Peaceful Ruler. from the Old German Name Frithuric. Famous Bearers: Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, Prussian King Frederick the Great
Fyodor  (Russian)
Russian Form of Theodore 'Gift from God'
Ghebers  (Persian)
Followers of Ancient Persian Religion
Gipsy  (English)
Derived from 'Egyptian' to Describe Wandering Tribes of Dark Caucasians Who Migrated from India to Europe in the Fifteenth Century
Guebers  (Persian)
Followers of Ancient Persian Religion
Hadassah  (Hebrew)
Myrtle Tree. Also the Biblical Persian Queen Esther's Hebrew Name
Hester  (Persian)
Star. Myrtle Leaf. A Latinized Form of Esther. Esther Was a Young Hebrew Woman in the Bible Who Married the Persian Ruler Xerxes and Risked Her Life to Save Her People
Igor  (Russian)
Warrior of Peace. Ing's Warrior (Ing Was the Norse God of Peace and Fertility). from the Scandinavian Name Ingyar. Famous Bearer: Russian Composer Igor Stravinsky
Ivan  (Russian)
The Russian Form of John: Gracious Gift from God. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Jamsheed  (Persian)
A Persian
Jeirgif  (Russian)
Russian Form of George 'Farmer'
Jermija  (Russian)
Russian Form of Jeremiah 'Gods Appointed One'
Jurg  (Russian)
Russian Form of George 'Farmer'
Khanh  (Arabic)
Prince. Title Used by Central Asian Tribal Chieftains and Ruling Princes
Khanh  (Turkish)
Prince. Title Used by Central Asian Tribal Chieftains and Ruling Princes
Kira  (Russian)
Russian Form of Helen: Light
Kirochka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Helen: Light
Laurente  (Russian)
Russian Form of Lawrence 'Laurel'
Lex  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men. Alexander the Great Was a Th Century Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named. Eight Popes and Three Russian Emperors Have Been Named
Luka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Lucas 'Light'
Lukasha  (Russian)
Russian Form of Lucas 'Light'
Lukyan  (Russian)
Russian Form of Lucas 'Light'
Margarete  (Russian)
Russian Form of Margaret: Pearl
Margosha  (Russian)
Russian Form of Margaret: Pearl
Mikhail  (Russian)
Russian Form of Michael 'God Like'
Misha  (Russian)
Russian Form of Michael 'God Like'
Mishe  (Russian)
Russian Form of Michael 'God Like'
Mishenka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Michael 'God Like'
Nauroz  (Muslim)
Variant of Nawroz: Persian New Year's Day
Nauroze  (Muslim)
Variant of Nawroz: Persian New Year's Day
Nawroz  (Muslim)
Persian New Year's Day
Nesha  (Russian)
Russian Form of Agnes: Pure
Nessa  (Russian)
Russian Form of Agnes: Pure
Nesy  (Russian)
Russian Form of Agnes: Pure
Neva  (Russian)
Name of a Russian River
Nicolai  (Russian)
Russian Form of Nicholas 'Victory of the People'
Nikita  (Russian)
Russian Form of Nicholas 'Victory of the People'
Nina  (Russian)
Russian Diminutive of the Name Anne: Favour; Grace
Ninette  (Russian)
Variant of Nina: Russian Diminutive of the Name Anne: Favour; Grace
Omar  (Hebrew)
Eloquent. Speaker. The Grandson of Esau in the Old Testament. Famous Bearers: Th Century Persian Poet and Astronomer and Mathematician Omar Khayyam; Caliph Omar Ii, Who Made Islam an Imperial Power; A
Ortensiana  (Latin)
Ossian  (Irish)
Pabiyan  (Russian)
Russian Form of Fabian 'Bean Farmer'
135 names found for "Sian"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Drew | Mireya | Nelly | Maddoc | Whitford | Asad | Gormley | Gracie | Wilmet | Rachele | Hakim | Fadl | Marpessa | Servilius | Reynold |