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Names That Mean Side

147 names found for "Side"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Side? We couldn't find the exact name Side, but listed below are some first names meaning Side or names similar to the word Side.

Similar Names

Said | Sa'id | Sid | Sodi | Sud | Sudi | Syd | Sada | Sadie | Sa'ida |

Related Names

Cristoval  (Spanish)
With Christ Inside
Delmer  (Spanish)
Variant of Delmar: Seaside
Delmor  (Spanish)
Variant of Delmar: Seaside
Delmore  (Spanish)
Variant of Delmar: Seaside
Denman  (English)
Resident of a Valley
Desi  (Latin)
Yearning; Sorrow. Abbreviation of Desiderus.Note: This Database is Copyright Dogwood Technical Services Inc
Desideria  (French)
The One Desired. Desired
Desideria  (Spanish)
Desiderio  (Hispanic)
Desiderio  (Spanish)
Desiderio  (Norse)
Desiderio  (Spanish)
Desiderus  (Latin)
Yearning; Sorrow
Dezi  (Latin)
Yearning; Sorrow. Abbreviation of Desiderus
Dwight  (English)
From a Surname, Derived from Diot, a Diminutive of the Latin Dionysius or Dionysia, Referring to the God of Wine. Famous Bearer: American President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Eaton  (English)
From the Riverside Village
Eatun  (English)
From the Riverside Village
Fidel  (Latin)
Faithful. from 'Fidelis'. Famous Bearer: Cuban President Fidel Castro
Franklin  (English)
Derived from 'Francoleyn' Meaning a Free Born Landowner. Famous Bearer: American President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Gamaliel  (Hebrew)
God's Reward. Recompense of God. A Biblical Name Adopted by Th Century Puritans. Famous Bearers: American President Warren Gamaliel Harding
Geordie  (English)
A Name Commonly Used to Indicate a Native of Tyneside
Grant  (English)
'Bestow' or 'Great; Tall.' the American General and President Ulysses S. Grant. Surname
Grant  (Scottish)
Originally a Scottish Surname Derived from the French 'Grand', Meaning Tall or Great. Now Common Both As a Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearer: American President Ulysses S. Grant
Grover  (English)
Grove Dweller. Used As Both Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearer: American President Grover Cleveland
Hallam  (Teutonic)
From the Hillside
Herb  (German)
Diminutive of Herbert: Illustrious Warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American President Herbert C. Hoover (-)
Herbert  (German)
Illustrious Warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American President Herbert C. Hoover (-)
Herbie  (German)
Diminutive of Herbert: Illustrious Warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American President Herbert C. Hoover (-)
Higgaion  (Biblical)
Meditation, Consideration
Higgaion  (Biblical)
Meditation, Consideration
Hlithtun  (English)
From Tbe Hillside Town
Ike  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Isaac: He Laughs. Laughter. The Only Son Born to Abraham and His Wife Sarah (In the Old Testament). Famous Bearer: Nickname of American President Dwight D. Eisenhower (-)
Inbal  (Hebrew)
Clapper Inside the Bell That Makes it Ring
Ivria  (Hebrew)
From the Other Side of the River
Jefferson  (English)
Son of Geoffrey. Used More Often As a Surname. Famous Bearer: American President Thomas Jefferson (-)
Jesus  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is Generous. Jehovah Saves. Diminutive of Joshua from the Hebrew Name Jehoshua. As a Result of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, Jesus is Considered to Be Too Sacred to Be Given As a First Na
Kalvin  (English)
Variant of Calvin: Bald. Famous Bearers: Early Th Century American President Coolidge; Fashion Designer Calvin Klein
Kirk  (Scottish)
Dweller by the Church; a Surname Derived from the Old Norse Kirkja (Church), Which Was Originally Used for One Who Resided by a Church. (Kirk)
Kylash  (Hindu)
Haven in Hindu Mythology, the Place Lord Shiva Reside; the Name of a Himalayan Mountain
Lawton  (English)
From the Hillside Farm
Leonardo  (Portuguese)
Lion-bold. Leonardo Da Vinci is Considered by Many to Be the Most Brilliant and Creative Men Who Ever Lived
Leonardo  (Spanish)
Lion-bold. Leonardo Da Vinci is Considered by Many to Be the Most Brilliant and Creative Men Who Ever Lived
Lifton  (English)
From Tbe Hillside Town
Lincoln  (Latin)
Lakeside Colony. The Name of an Early Roman Settlement in England
Lincoln  (English)
Roman Colony at the Pool. Lakeside Colony. The Name of an Early Roman Settlement in England, Used As Both a Surname and a First Name. Famous Bearer: American President Abraham Lincoln (-)
Litton  (English)
From Tbe Hillside Town
Loveday  (English)
Name Given to Children That are Born on a Love Day. A Love Day Was a Th Century Tradition - a Day Set Aside for Reconciliation and Settling of Disputes. Today, This Name is Found Occasionally As a Sur
Lyndon  (English)
Lime Tree Hill. Lives by the Linden Tree. Both a Surname and Place Name. Famous Bearer: Past American President Lyndon Baines Johnson
Magor-missabib  (Biblical)
Fear on Every Side
Magor-missabib  (Biblical)
Fear on Every Side
147 names found for "Side"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Genica | Egbert | Xeno | Stanislov | Muirfinn | Rozalia | Adria | Wake | Aleyn | Adag | Colby | Rana | Laramie | Michele | Porsche |