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Meaning of the Name Sike

The first name Sike is of Native American origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Native American: He Sits at Home (Navajo)

Similar Names

Sage | Saka | Shae | Shiye | Sia | Sik'is | Skye | Syka | Sakae | Saki |

Related Names

Erssike  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Mizabeth, Meaning Consecrated to God
Perzsike  (Hebrew)
Devoted to God
Sikeena  (Muslim)
Variant of Sikina: Tranquility. Devout

Additional Names

Dougal | Berowalt | Godalupe | Darrence | Dominique | Marise | Mattias | Brucie | Jyllina | Roswald | Quinn | Zuleika | Wynfield | Rumford | Chiranjeev |