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Meaning of the Name Slava

The first name Slava is of Slavic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Slavic: Glory

Similar Names

Salva | Silva | Sylva |

Related Names

Miroslava  (Czechoslovakian)
Stanislava  (Latin)
Valdislava  (Slavic)
Glorious Ruler
Vladislava  (Slavic)
Vyacheslav  (Russian)
Possess Glory(Slava)
Wenceslava  (Slavic)
Great Glory

Additional Names

Biaiardo | Paz | Buckingham | Fflergant | Ceolfrith | Donal | Kerrianne | Rafaele | Yaakov | Gaetano | Reynard | Chagai | August | Mayur | Ryce |