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Meaning of the Name Sonia

The first name Sonia is of Hindu, Russian, Greek, Slavic, Swedish, Indian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hindu: Golden
Russian: Variant of Sophia: Wisdom
Greek: Variant of Sophia: Wisdom; Wise
Slavic: Wisdom
Swedish: Wise
Indian: Golden

Similar Names

Samia | Sani | Sanya | Sinim | Soma | Son | Sonnie | Sonny | Sana | Sana' |

Related Names

Sophia  (Creek)
Wise (Sofie, Sofia, Sonia, Sonya, Sophi)

Additional Names

Azariah | Turi | Marsila | Lennox | Farrin | Jeduthun | Cimberleigh | Judith | Meara | Homeros | Sakhmet | Caitlin | Viho | Tivadar | Ballinamore |