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Meaning of the Name Sophia

The first name Sophia is of Scottish, Creek, Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: Wisdom, Skill; Derived from the Greek Sophia. Pet Names: Sophie. (So-fee-ah)
Creek: Wise (Sofie, Sofia, Sonia, Sonya, Sophi)
Greek: Wisdom; Wise
Greek: Wisdom, Wise, Alert, Sentimental
Greek: Wisdom

Similar Names

Sofia | Sophie | Sophy |

Related Names

Beathag  (Scottish)
Life, Livelihood; a Feminine Form of Scottish Beathan. Anglicization: Sophia (Wisdom). (Bee-tha)
Sofia  (Italian)
From the Name Sophia
Sonia  (Russian)
Variant of Sophia: Wisdom
Sonia  (Greek)
Variant of Sophia: Wisdom; Wise
Sonja  (Russian)
Variant of Sophia: Wisdom
Sonja  (Greek)
Variant of Sophia: Wisdom; Wise
Sonya  (Russian)
Variant of Sophia: Wisdom
Sonya  (Greek)
Variant of Sophia: Wisdom; Wise
Sophie  (Greek)
Variant of Sophia: Wisdom; Wise
Sophie  (Greek)
Wisdom, from Sophia
Sophy  (Greek)
Variant of Sophia: Wisdom; Wise
Zsofia  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Sophia. Wise
Zsofika  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Sophia. Wise

Additional Names

Alhric | Basilie | Oldwina | Lok | Appaim | Walta | Binnaha | Shatabindu | Abramo | AyIsworth | Ganymede | Tekla | Kimberly | Ardala | Scur |