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Meaning of the Name Southern

The first name Southern is of American origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

American: From the South

Related Names

Agastya  (Hindu)
Agastya is the Patron Saint of Southern India
Benjamin  (Irish)
Dacey  (Gaelic)
Dacy  (Gaelic)
Deasach  (Gaelic)
Dixie  (English)
Abbreviation of Richard. in the Usa Dixie Refers to the French Word for Ten; Also to the Southern States Below the Mason- Dixon Line
Kieran  (Gaelic)
Little and Dark Skinned; an Irish Saint Who Christianized Southern Ireland. (Kiernan). Origin: Gaelic
Li  (Chinese)
Means Either 'strength' or 'Plum' or 'Black' or 'sharp' in Chinese. Li Ssu-hsun Was a Chinese Landscape Painter, Li Po Was a Chinese Poet, and Li Yu Was a Chinese Poet and Ruler of the Southern Tang K
Li  (Chinese)
Means Either 'strength' or 'Plum' or 'Black' or 'sharp' in Chinese. Li Ssu-hsun Was a Chinese Landscape Painter, Li Po Was a Chinese Poet, and Li Yu Was a Chinese Poet and Ruler of the Southern Tang K
Suhyal  (Islamic)
Name Referring to the Second-brightest Star in the Southern Skies
Sully  (English)
Southern Field

Additional Names

Cira | Wallace | Ilana | Aphria | Peverell | Kalle | Bella | Cranley | Azzai | Aysha | Kywrkh | Lloyd | Derik | Tolek | Colman |