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Meaning of the Name Southern |
The first name Southern is of American origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Related Names

Abbreviation of Richard. in the Usa Dixie Refers to the French Word for Ten; Also to the Southern States Below the Mason- Dixon Line

Little and Dark Skinned; an Irish Saint Who Christianized Southern Ireland. (Kiernan). Origin: Gaelic

Means Either 'strength' or 'Plum' or 'Black' or 'sharp' in Chinese. Li Ssu-hsun Was a Chinese Landscape Painter, Li Po Was a Chinese Poet, and Li Yu Was a Chinese Poet and Ruler of the Southern Tang K

Means Either 'strength' or 'Plum' or 'Black' or 'sharp' in Chinese. Li Ssu-hsun Was a Chinese Landscape Painter, Li Po Was a Chinese Poet, and Li Yu Was a Chinese Poet and Ruler of the Southern Tang K