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Names That Mean Sten

123 names found for "Sten"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Sten? We couldn't find the exact name Sten, but listed below are some first names meaning Sten or names similar to the word Sten.

Similar Names

Satan | Seton | Stan | Steen | Stein | Stem | Stian | Stone | Satin | Stheno |

Related Names

Abdul Fataah  (Muslim)
Servant of the Opener (Of the Gates of Sustenance)
Abdul Fatah  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Fataah: Servant of the Opener (Of the Gates of Sustenance)
Abdul-Fataah  (Muslim)
Servant of the Opener (Of the Gates of Sustenance)
Abdul-Fatah  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-fataah: Servant of the Opener (Of the Gates of Sustenance)
Aditsan  (Native American)
Listener (Navajo)
Astennu  (Egyptian)
God of the Moon
Aurelia  (Latin)
Golden, Dazzling, Proud, Inconsistent
Austen  (English)
Variant of Austin: Developed in the Middle Ages from the Latin Augustine, Meaning Magic Dignity, or Venerable. Most Common As a Surname
Austen  (French)
Variant of Augustine
Austen  (English)
Variant of Augustine
Azania  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azaniah: God is Listening; God Listens
Azaniah  (Hebrew)
God is Listening; God Listens
Azaniya  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azaniah: God is Listening; God Listens
Azanyahu  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azaniah: God is Listening; God Listens
Bartholomew  (Hebrew)
Son of Furrows, Ostentatious, Proud, Affectionate, Leads a Lonely Life
Carsten  (Latin)
Christen  (Greek)
Christen  (English)
Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ
Christen  (Latin)
Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ
Christena  (English)
Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ
Christena  (Latin)
Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ
Christene  (English)
Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ
Christene  (Latin)
Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ
Conroy  (Celtic)
Cristen  (English)
Variant of Christian
Custenhin  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Erbin
Custennin  (Celtic)
Mythical Giant
Cystenian  (Welsh)
Steady; Stable
Cystennin  (Welsh)
Elinor  (French)
A Variant Spelling of Eleanor. Famous Bearers: Elinor Was One of the Heroines in Jane Austen's Novel 'sense and Sensibihiy'
Erbin  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Custenhin
Ezbon  (Biblical)
Hastening to Understand
Glistenheath  (Norse)
The Place Where Sigurd Killed Fafnir
Goreu  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Custenhin
Hayaat  (Muslim)
Variant of Hayat: Life. Existence
Hayat  (Muslim)
Life. Existence
Huz  (Biblical)
Counsel, Woods, Fastened
Huz  (Biblical)
Counsel, Woods, Fastened
Ishmael  (Hebrew)
God Listens. in the Bible Ismael Was Son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian Slave Woman Hagar
Ishmael  (Hebrew)
God Listens
Ishmael  (Spanish)
God Listens. in the Bible Ismael Was Son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian Slave Woman Hagar
Ismael  (Spanish)
God Listens. in the Bible Ismael Was Son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian Slave Woman Hagar
Ismael  (Hebrew)
God Listens. in the Bible Ismael Was Son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian Slave Woman Hagar
Ismaela  (Hebrew)
God Listens
Ivo  (Teutonic)
Archer, Another Form is Ivor, Talented, Sophisticated, Ostentatious
Jane  (English)
Jehovah Has Been Gracious. A Feminine Form of John. Variant of Joan. from the Old French Jehane. Famous Bearers: British Novelist Jane Austen (-) and American Actress Jayne Mansfield (-)
Jehush  (Biblical)
Keeping Counsel, Fastened
Jehush  (Biblical)
Keeping Counsel, Fastened
Jemina  (Hebrew)
Listened To
Justene  (English)
Just; Upright. Feminine of Justin
123 names found for "Sten"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Pawl | Garvan | Tien | Culley | Jereth | Farrin | Ola | Constancia | Peulthai | Zemaraim | Kye | Jana | Alda | Balamani | Dolabella |