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Meaning of the Name Stone

228 names found for "Stone"   (page 5 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

The first name Stone is of American origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

American: Stone

Similar Names

Seton | Stan | Sten | Stoney | Sidone | Stina | Stinne |

Related Names

Steen  (Teutonic)
Stein  (German)
Sten  (Swedish)
Sten  (Teutonic)
Stoner  (English)
Stoney  (English)
Nickname Based on the Word 'stone.' Stone
Thorsten  (Teutonic)
Thor's Stone
Thurstan  (English)
Thor's Stone
Thurstan  (Norse)
Variant of Thurston: Thor's Stone
Thurston  (English)
Thor's Stone
Thurston  (Norse)
Thor's Stone
Thurston  (Scandinavian)
Thor's Stone
Thurston  (Teutonic)
Thor's Stone
Thurstun  (English)
Thor's Stone
Torsten  (Scandinavian)
Stone of Thor
Torsten  (Swedish)
Thor's Stone
Torsten  (Teutonic)
Thor's Stone
Touchstone  (Shakespearean)
'As Yfou Like It' the Court Jester
Tremain  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Town of the Stone
Tremaine  (Celtic)
From the Town Encircled by Stone
Tremayne  (Celtic)
From the Town Encircled by Stone
Winfield  (English)
Stone Marker of Friendship. Surname
Winslow  (English)
Stone Marker of Friendship. Surname
Wystan  (English)
Battle Stone
Zamurrad  (Muslim)
Emerald. Precious Stone
Zur  (Biblical)
Stone; Rock; That Besieges
Zuriel  (Hebrew)

Additional Names

Carny | Cain | Peissawg | Iain | Montrell | Nureen | Haruki | Kendel | Helge | Fikri | Eliab | Catori | Sheelavanth | Essie | Sheridan |