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Meaning of the Name Strato

The first name Strato is of Shakespearean origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Shakespearean: 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' a Servant to Brutus

Related Names

Beatrix  (Latin)
Bringer of Joy, Brings Joy. Famous Bearers: Beatrix Was Mentioned in the Domesday Book of Twentieth Century Children's Writer and Illustrator Beatrix Potter Created Peter Rabbit
Saajid  (Muslim)
Variant of Sajid: Prostrator. Adotar. One Who Worships God
Sajid  (Muslim)
Prostrator. Adotar. One Who Worships God
Spencer  (English)

Additional Names

Pari | Fergus | Beatrix | Methusael | Jamsheed | Svenhilde | Merry | Hesperos | Cordelia | Jodee | Ruby | Tryphena | Dillon | Rijuta | Adadah |