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Meaning of the Name Suma

The first name Suma is of Egyptian, English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Egyptian: Ask
English: Born During the Summer

Similar Names

Sam | Saman | Sami | Samia | Sem | Shema | Sim | Siman | Simao | Soma |

Related Names

Kusuma  (Hindu)
Flower (Kusum)
Kusuma  (Indian)
Kusumakar  (Hindu)
Orla  (Irish)
One of True Beauty; Originally a Boy's Name from Denmark. it Was Presumably Left Behind in Ireland With Some Child of the Viking Raiders. in Denmark, Orla Means Strong and Manly
Styr  (Norse)
A Supporter of Sumarlidi Son of Killer Hrapp
Sumana  (Hindu)
Sumana  (Hindu)
Good Natured
Sumana  (Indian)
Good natured
Sumana  (African)
Sumarville  (French)
From the Summer Estate
Sumati  (Hindu)
Good Minded
Sumati  (Indian)
Good minded
Sumayah  (Arabic)
Sumayyah  (Muslim)
Proper Name
Vasuman  (Indian)
born of fire
Vasumati  (Hindu)
Apsara of Unequalled Splendor
Vasumati  (Indian)
apsara of unequalled splendour

Additional Names

Austine | Osanna | Constantina | Egan | Roza | Donelle | Keely | Arye | Bogart | Jarrad | Skyler | Timothy | Alyda | Kiora | Satyavan |