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Meaning of the Name Suni

The first name Suni is of Native American origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Native American: Means Zuni

Similar Names

Sami | San | Sani | Shuni | Sin | Sinai | Sinim | Son | Sugn | Sun |

Related Names

Sunil  (Indian)
dark blue
Sunila  (Hindu)
Sunita  (Hindu)
One With Good Morals
Sunita  (Indian)
One with good morals
Sunni  (English)
Bright Disposition (Sunny, Sunnie, Sunita)

Additional Names

Kiros | Gore | Zulema | Henrik | Nerina | Carole | Alethea | Dionysius | Etenia | Julio | Larry | Lorenzo | Solonie | Mariel | Lyudmila |