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Meaning of the Name Tamryn

The first name Tamryn is of Russian, Hebrew origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Russian: Palm Tree. Variant of Tamar. Biblical Tamara Was Daughter of King David and Sister to Absalom
Hebrew: Palm Tree. Variant of Tamar. Biblical Tamara Was Daughter of King David and Sister to Absalom
Russian: Palm Tree. Variant of Tamar. Biblical Tamara Was Daughter of King David and Sister to Absalom

Similar Names

Tameron |

Additional Names

Moore | Ambuda | Myron | Rhosyn | Caphtor | Corcoran | Laurencia | Redd | Bekah | Sakari | Kristianna | Elvern | Marilis | Paarai | Damon |