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Meaning of the Name Tanis

The first name Tanis is of Slavic, Spanish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Slavic: Spanish Abbreviation of Estanislao 'Make Famous' from the Name Borne by Several Slavic Kings and Three Saints
Spanish: Spanish Abbreviation of Estanislao 'Make Famous' from the Name Borne by Several Slavic Kings and Three Saints

Similar Names

Tamas | Tamnais | Thanos | Tangia | Tanika | Tanisha | Tansy | Tannis |

Related Names

Dahlia  (Greek)
Flower Named for Botanist a Dahl
Salvik  (Russian)
Pet Form of Stanislav
Stanislas  (Polish)
Glorious Camp
Stanislas  (Slavic)
Military Glory
Stanislaus  (Slavic)
Camp Glory
Stanislaus  (Slavic)
Military Glory
Stanislaus  (Polish)
Variant of Stanislas: Glorious Camp
Stanislav  (Czechoslovakian)
Camp Glory
Stanislav  (Slavic)
Glory of the Camp
Stanislav  (Slavic)
Military Glory
Stanislav  (Russian)
Stand of Glory (Stas,Slavik)
Stanislava  (Latin)
Stanislaw  (Polish)
From the Name Stanislav
Stanislov  (Russian)
Tanisha  (African American)
Born on Monday
Tanisha  (African)
Name of a Tribe in Africa
Tanishia  (African)
Born on Monday
Tanishia  (African)
Born on Monday

Additional Names

Pesha | Melaina | Marged | Foster | Cady | Celestun | Hannah | Etor | Elmer | Seosamh | Phineas | Cumania | Christy | Amhika | Rodrigue |