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Meaning of the Name Taro

The first name Taro is of Japanese origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Japanese: Big Boy
Japanese: First Born Son
Japanese: First-born Male

Similar Names

Tarah | Tarea | Tauro | Tor | Tore | Torio | Toro | Torr | Toru | Tory |

Related Names

Ashtaroth  (Biblical)
Flocks, Sheep, Riches
Ashtaroth  (Biblical)
Flocks, Sheep, Riches
Ataroth  (Biblical)
Ataroth-addar  (Biblical)
Crowns of Power
Keitaro  (Japanese)
Kentaro  (Japanese)
Sharp; Big Boy
Montaro  (Japanese)
Big Boy
Taron  (English)
Terran Means 'Earthman.' Variants are Contemporary Rhyming Blends of Ter- Plus Darin

Additional Names

Cyrena | Cynric | Jolena | Graham | Albertine | Celdtun | Vandenberg | Shakil | Evangelyn | Gjallar | Ain | Lita | Ameena | Querida | Tova |