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Meaning of the Name Teodora

The first name Teodora is of Bulgaria, Italian, Spanish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Bulgaria: Divine Gift (Todorka)
Italian: Gift from God
Spanish: God Given. Feminine of Theodore

Similar Names

Teadoir | Teodor | Teodoro | Tewdwr | Theodor | Theodore | Todor | Tudor | Tedra | Tedre |

Related Names

Theodora  (Greek)
God's Gift (Theo, Teodora, Theodosia, Theda)

Additional Names

Elmer | Odwolfe | Nathar | Roman | Adriana | Marcello | Gilvarry | Kieran | Jabneel | Brasil | Chaz | Krystine | Safa | Hamlet | Lewis |