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Meaning of the Name Terrance

The first name Terrance is of English, Latin origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Roman Clan Name
Latin: Roman Clan Name

Similar Names

Tarrence | Terence | Terenge | Terrence | Torence | Torrance | Torrans | Torrence |

Related Names

Terence  (English)
Old Form of the Roman Clan Name Terrance
Terence  (Irish)
Old Form of the Roman Clan Name Terrance
Terron  (English)
Blend of Terrance and Darren (Darren, Taran, Terran)
Terry  (English)
Abbreviation of Terrance and Terrell. Terry is Also an Anglicized Phonetic Form of the French Given Name Thierry from an Older Germanic Name Meaning 'Powerful; Ruler of the People.'

Additional Names

Pauls | Wabiba | Rai | Zenobe | Balmung | Karna | Radmund | Elwyn | Chasid | Lindsay | Chresta | Ulla | Damek | Anton | Jerred |