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Meaning of the Name Thaddeus

The first name Thaddeus is of Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Biblical origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Praise God (Thad, Thaddeas)
Aramaic: Praise
Greek: Praise
Greek: Thaddeus Was One of the Apostles Described in the New Testament of the Bible
Biblical: That Praises or Confesses
Hebrew: Valiant; Wise

Similar Names

Thaddius | Thadeus | Theseus | Tydeus |

Related Names

Tad  (English)
Abbreviation of Thaddeus Who Was One of Christ's Apostles
Tadd  (English)
Abbreviation of Thaddeus Who Was One of Christ's Apostles
Tadhg  (Gaelic)
A Poet; Anglicizaton: Thaddeus, Timothy. Variations: Taogh, Teague. (Tayg)
Thad  (Greek)
Thaddeus Was One of the Apostles Described in the New Testament of the Bible
Thaddius  (Greek)
Thaddeus Was One of the Apostles Described in the New Testament of the Bible
Thadeus  (Greek)
Form of Thaddeus
Thadeus  (Greek)
Thaddeus Was One of the Apostles Described in the New Testament of the Bible

Additional Names

Galilee | Morainn | Garrity | Karline | Kornelia | Vernell | Ledell | Francisca | Tolland | Ianna | Beatrice | Arel | Bensson | Dilkhush | Gazelle |