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Names That Mean Theodor

55 names found for "Theodor"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Theodor? We couldn't find the exact name Theodor, but listed below are some first names meaning Theodor or names similar to the word Theodor.

Similar Names

Teadoir | Teodor | Teodoro | Tewdwr | Theodore | Thor | Thorir | Todor | Tudor | Teodora |

Related Names

Theodore  (Greek)
Divine Gift
Theodoric  (German)
Ruler of the People
Theodoric  (Teutonic)
People's Ruler, Another Form is Derrick, Ingenious, Versatile, Adventurous
Theodoric  (Teutonic)
People's Rule
Theodorus  (Dutch)
Gift from God

Additional Names

Ghayth | Shephatiah | Chiara | Hilary | Maichail | Meli | Apelahama | Roland | Khairudin | Arnett | Kausthub | Leonard | Octavia | Nahaliel | Badan |