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Meaning of the Name Theophania

The first name Theophania is of Greek, Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Divine Manifestation
Greek: God Appears
Latin: Manifestation of God. in the Middle Ages, This Name Was Sometimes Given to Girls Born on Twelfth Night

Similar Names

Theophane | Theophaneia | Theophanie | Tiphanie |

Related Names

Tiffanie  (English)
Variant of the Greek Name Theophania Referring to the Epiphany - Manifestation of Divinity
Tiffanie  (French)
Variant of the Greek Name Theophania Referring to the Epiphany - Manifestation of Divinity
Tiffany  (Latin)
Variant of Theophania: Manifestation of God. in the Middle Ages, This Name Was Sometimes Given to Girls Born on Twelfth Night
Tiffney  (English)
Variant of the Greek Name Theophania Referring to the Epiphany - Manifestation of Divinity
Tiffney  (English)
Variant of the Greek Name Theophania Referring to the Epiphany - Manifestation of Divinity
Tiffney  (French)
Variant of the Greek Name Theophania Referring to the Epiphany - Manifestation of Divinity

Additional Names

Idunn | Mandara | Dheemant | Gusta | Callum | Keena | Prayag | Kollsvein | Gudrun | Benigna | Jarad | Vipponah | Malmuirie | Thoma | Maitreya |