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Names That Mean Ting

386 names found for "Ting"   (page 3 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Ting? We couldn't find the exact name Ting, but listed below are some first names meaning Ting or names similar to the word Ting.

Related Names

Dulani  (African)
Malawian Name Meaning 'Cutting'
Dur  (Hebrew)
Durand  (Latin)
A Lasting Friend
Ebenezer  (Hebrew)
Rock or Stone of Help. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Samuel Gave the Name Ebenezer to a Stone Set Up in Recognition of God's Assistance in Defeating the Philistines; Miserly Ebenezer Scrooge in Cha
Eddy  (Swedish)
Edgar  (Teutonic)
Rich Spear, Prudent, Calm, Affectionate, Discriminating Tastes
Efrat  (Hebrew)
Honored, Distinguished
Eli  (Biblical)
The Offering or Lifting Up. My God; My God
Ellasar  (Biblical)
Revolting from God
Elmina  (Teutonic)
Intimidating Fame
Elmine  (Teutonic)
Intimidating Fame
Em  (German)
Variant of Emma: Whole. Complete. Universal. Old German 'Ermin' or 'Irmin', Meaning Universal. Also a Diminutive of Any Feminine Name Starting With Em-
Ember  (English)
Anniversary. Ember Day is a Day in Lent Devoted to Fasting and Prayer. Also Modern Usage As Rhyming Variant of Amber
Emilia  (Shakespearean)
'The Winter's Tale' a Lady Attending on the Queen. 'The Tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice' Wife to Iago, and Lady-in-waiting to Desdemona
Ernest  (Teutonic)
Eagle Stone, Youthful, Enthusiastic, Trusting
Ernestine  (Teutonic)
Eagle Stone, Trusting, Youthful, Enthusiastic
Esau  (Hebrew)
Hairy, Dominating, Capable, Conventional, Seldom Popular With Women
Eternity  (American)
Eve  (Hebrew)
Life, Living, Lively. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Mother of the Human Race Who Tasted the Forbidden Fruit, Precipitating the Fall of Man
Eveleen  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Eve: Life, Living, Lively. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Mother of the Human Race Who Tasted the Forbidden Fruit, Precipitating the Fall of Man
Evie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Eve: Life, Living, Lively. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Mother of the Human Race Who Tasted the Forbidden Fruit, Precipitating the Fall of Man
Faarooq  (Muslim)
Variant of Faruq: Distinguisher. Differentiator
Faatinah  (Muslim)
Variant of Fatinah: Captivating. Alluring. Enchanting. Fascinating. Charming
Falco  (Latin)
Surname Relating to Falconry
Falcon  (English)
Surname Relating to Falconry
Falk  (German)
Surname Relating to Falconry
Falke  (German)
Surname Relating to Falconry
Falken  (German)
Surname Relating to Falconry
Farewell  (English)
A Greeting; Beautiful Well
Faruq  (Islamic)
A Person Who Distinguishes Right from Wrong and Tuth from Falsehood
Faruq  (Muslim)
Distinguisher. Differentiator
Fatima  (Arabic)
Captivating. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad; One of Four Perfect Women Mentioned in the Koran. The Other Three Were Aisha; Khadijah; and Mary
Fatin  (Muslim)
Variant of Fatinah: Captivating. Alluring. Enchanting. Fascinating. Charming
Fatin  (Arabic)
Fatina  (Arabic)
Fatinah  (Muslim)
Captivating. Alluring. Enchanting. Fascinating. Charming
Fatinah  (Arabic)
Fife  (Scottish)
Scottish Surname Originating from the Place-name Fife, a Region in Eastern Scotland. Fife is Thought to Be Named for Fib, a Legendary Pictish Hero Who Was One of the Seven Sons of Craithne. Variations
Florence  (Latin)
From 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer: Florence Nightingale, Legendary Crimean War British Nurse
Fulla  (Norse)
One of Frigga's Ladies in Waiting
Gay  (English)
Variant of Gail: Joyful. Lively. Also a Modern Term Denoting Homosexuality
Gideon  (Hebrew)
Destroyer One Who Has a Stump in Place of a Hand. A Hewer. Famous Bearer: the Gideons, a Christian Organization Distributing Bibles to Schools, Hospitals, and Hotels
Gna  (Norse)
One of Frigga's Ladies in Waiting
Graham  (English)
A Surname Originating from a Place Called Grantham in Lincolnshire. The First Element is Uncertain, But the Second is from the Old English Ham (Home, Dwelling, Manor). Variations: Graeme, Grahame. (Gr
Greer  (Scottish)
Watchful, Vigilant; a Surname Originating in the Middle Ages from a Contraction of Gregor, a Cognate of the Latin Gregorius (Watchful, Vigilant). Variation: Grier. (Greer)
Griff  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion
Griffen  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion. Note: This Database is Copyright , Muse Creation
Griffith  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief, Fierce, Strong Warrior or Lord. Derived from the Welsh Name Groffudd. Common As Both a Surname and a Given Name
Gryphon  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion
Gunnbjorn  (Norse)
Fighting Bear
386 names found for "Ting"   (page 3 of 8) 

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