Becky(Hebrew) An Abbreviation of Rebecca, Meaning Captivated, or Captivating, Frequently Used As an Independent Name. Famous Bearer: Fictional Character Becky Sharp, the Unethical Heroine of Thackeray's Novel Vanit
Christmas(English) This Name is Derived from the Name of the Christian Festival, and Occasionally Given to Children Born on Christmas Day. Used As Both First Name and Surname Since the Middle Ages
Christmas(English) This Name is Derived from the Name of the Christian Festival, and Occasionally Given to Children Born on Christmas Day. Used As Both First Name and Surname Since the Middle Ages
Cynthia(Greek) The Moon Goddess, of Cynthus, Fickle, Captivating, Mischievous.(Cindy, Cyndy)
Easter(English) Born at Easter. from the Name of the Christian Festival, Which is Based on Eostre, the Name of a Germanic Spring Goddess. Sometimes Also Used As a Variant of Esther
Easter(English) From the Name of the Christian Festival, Which is Based on Eostre, the Name of a Germanic Spring Goddess. Sometimes Also Used As a Variant of Esther
Faatinah(Muslim) Variant of Fatinah: Captivating. Alluring. Enchanting. Fascinating. Charming
Fatima(Arabic) Captivating. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad; One of Four Perfect Women Mentioned in the Koran. The Other Three Were Aisha; Khadijah; and Mary
Fatin(Muslim) Variant of Fatinah: Captivating. Alluring. Enchanting. Fascinating. Charming