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Names That Mean Tory

405 names found for "Tory"   (page 1 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Tory? We couldn't find the exact name Tory, but listed below are some first names meaning Tory or names similar to the word Tory.

Similar Names

Taro | Terry | Thor | Tor | Tore | Torey | Torio | Toro | Torr | Torre |

Related Names

Abdul Nasser  (Muslim)
Servant of the Helper. Granting Victory
Abdul-Nasser  (Muslim)
Servant of the Helper. Granting Victory
Abhinandan  (Hindu)
Handsome Son, Congratulatory Greetings
Achilles  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' a Greek Commander
Aeneas  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' a Trojan Commander
Agamemnon  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' the Greek General
Ajax  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' a Greek Commander
Alexander  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Alexander Iden, a Kentish Gentleman. 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' Servant to Cressida
Alok  (Hindu)
Cry of Victory
Alok  (Indian)
cry of victory
Alok  (Indian)
cry of victory
Andraste  (Celtic)
Andromache  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' Wife to Hector
Anissa  (Iran)
Antenor  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' a Trojan Commander
Attila  (Russian)
A Hun Name of a Great Hun Leader. Attila is a Hunnish Word for Iron, and Also a Hunnish Name for the Russian River Volga, a Territory Which the Huns Once Occupied
Baithazar  (Greek)
Protect the King. The Greek Form of the Old Testament Bel-shazzar, Referring to the Babylonian God Bel. One of the Magi Mentioned in Matthew's Story of the Na-tivity Was Balthasar
Balthasar  (Greek)
Protect the King. The Greek Form of the Old Testament Bel-shazzar, Referring to the Babylonian God Bel. One of the Magi Mentioned in Matthew's Story of the Na-tivity Was Balthasar
Barak  (Hebrew)
Flash of Lightning. in the Bible the Valiant Fighting Man Barak Cooperated With the Prophetess Deborah to Win Victory in Battle Against Overwhelming Odds
Bearnas  (Gaelic)
Bringer of Victory; Gaelic Form of Berenice. (Bear-nus)
Berenice  (French)
One Who Brings Victory
Berenice  (Greek)
One Who Brings Victory, Bringer of Victory. Famous Bearer: King Ptolemy I of Egypt's Second Wife Was Named Berenice, As Were Two of Her Granddaughters
Bernice  (Greek)
A Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Herod Agrippa Ii, Her Broth
Bernice  (Greek)
Bringer of Victory, Talented,Emotional,Vail
Bernice  (French)
Brings Victory
Bernice  (Biblical)
One That Brings Victory
Bernice  (French)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bernicia  (Spanish)
One Who Brings Victory
Bernie  (Greek)
Bringer of Victory
Bernie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Bernice: a Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Hero
Berniss  (French)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Berniss  (Greek)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bernita  (German)
Brave As a Bear, Bringer of Victory, Brave
Berny  (Greek)
Diminutive of Bernice: a Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Hero
Bernyce  (Greek)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bernyce  (French)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bhictoria  (Scottish)
Victory; Form of Victoria. (Veek-tor-ee-ah)
Bixenta  (Basque)
Boadicea  (Anglo Saxon)
A Queen of the Iceni: Victory
Bodiccea  (Anglo Saxon)
A Queen of the Iceni: Victory
Bodicea  (Anglo Saxon)
A Queen of the Iceni: Victory
Bodicia  (Anglo Saxon)
A Queen of the Iceni: Victory
Boudicea  (Anglo Saxon)
A Queen of the Iceni: Victory
Brona  (Greek)
Coming Before Victory
Buadhach  (Irish)
Buddug  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Victoria: Victory
Bunny  (Greek)
Bringer of Victory
Calchas  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' a Trojan Priest, Taking Part With the Greeks
Cassandra  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' Daughter to Priam, and a Prophetess
Claas  (Greek)
People's Victory
405 names found for "Tory"   (page 1 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Moira | Uqbah | Andswarian | Waylin | Michaiah | Niesha | Senona | Goldie | Emilia | Rosaline | Bellangere | Vinnie | Behemoth | Bredbeddle | Aodhhan |