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Names That Mean Tron

964 names found for "Tron"   (page 3 of 20) 

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Looking for names that mean Tron? We couldn't find the exact name Tron, but listed below are some first names meaning Tron or names similar to the word Tron.

Similar Names

Taren | Tarmon | Taron | Tarun | Taryn | Terron | Theron | Thorn | Toran | Toren |

Related Names

Attie  (Celtic)
Strong As a Bear
Atty  (Celtic)
Strong As a Bear
Aubrianna  (English)
Noble, Strong One
Audra  (English)
Strong, Noble
Audrey  (Teutonic)
Audrie  (English)
Strong, Noble
Audry  (English)
Strong, Noble
Aulay  (Norse)
Variant of Olaf: Relic; Ancestral Heritage. St. Olaf is the Patron Saint of Norway, and There Were Many Kings in Scandinavia Named Olaf
Avariella  (American)
Small, Strong Woman
Aviram  (Hebrew)
My Father is Strong; Father of Heights
Az  (Hebrew)
Azaz  (Biblical)
Strong One
Azgad  (Biblical)
A Strong Army; a Gang of Robbers
Aziz  (Islamic)
Mighty, Strong, Illustrious, Highly Esteemed
Azmaveth  (Biblical)
Strong Death; a He-goat
BaIbina  (Latin)
Baladev  (Hindu)
Strong Person
Balara  (Latin)
Balbine  (Latin)
Baldev  (Hindu)
Strong God
Baldhart  (German)
Bold or Strong
Balendin  (Basque)
Strong, Brave
Balera  (Latin)
Balere  (Latin)
Balere  (Basque)
Baline  (Latin)
Strong and Healthy
Balint  (Latin)
Strong and Healthy
Ballard  (German)
Bold or Strong
Balraj  (Hindu)
Strong King
Barloc  ()
Strong Warrior Filled With Love and Hope
Barnard  (English)
Strong As a Bear. A Variant of Bernard Which Was in Common Usage in Medieval Britain.Variant of Bernard
Barnard  (German)
Variant of Bernard Strong As a Bear
Barney  (English)
Used As a Diminutive of Barnard, Meaning Strong As a Bear. Also a Diminutive of Barnaby, Which is a Variant of the Hebrew Barnabas Meaning Son of Consolation, Son of Exhortation, or Son of Comfort
Barry  (Celtic)
Good Marksman, Reserved, Strong, True, Rather Slow-minded
Batair  (Gaelic)
Strong Warrior
Bearnard  (Scottish)
Bear Strong
Bearnard  (Scottish)
Bold or Strong As a Bear; Gaelic Form of Bernard
Bemelle  (English)
Variant of Bernard Strong As a Bear
Bemelle  (German)
Variant of Bernard Strong As a Bear
Berdine  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard
Bern  (Scandinavian)
Strong As a Bear
Bernadea  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard
Bernadina  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard
Bernadine  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard
Bernal  (German)
Strong Bear
Bernald  (German)
Variant of Bernal: Strong Bear
Bernard  (Scottish)
Bold or Strong As a Bear; Derived from the Old High German Bernhard, a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Bern (Bear)And Hart (Bold, Strong, Hearty)
Bernard  (Teutonic)
Firm Bear, Another Form is Barnard, Unsociable, Strong-willed, Obstinate
Bernard  (German)
From an Old German Compound Meaning Bear-hard, or Brave As a Bear. St Bernard of Menthon is the Patron Saint of Mountaineers After Whom the St Bernard Dog Used in Mountain Rescue Work is Named
Bernard  (English)
Strong As a Bear. See Also Bjorn
964 names found for "Tron"   (page 3 of 20) 

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Additional Names

Mariza | Karina | Helaine | Felicia | Gustavus | Amul | Pranay | Dreogan | Pakuna | Deniz | Shamus | Brian | Christana | Eldon | Neomenia |