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Names That Mean True

75 names found for "True"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean True? We couldn't find the exact name True, but listed below are some first names meaning True or names similar to the word True.

Similar Names

Tore | Torre | Toru | Toure | Trey | Troi | Troy | Troye | Tyre | Tyree |

Related Names

Amittai  (Biblical)
True, Fearing
Amnon  (Biblical)
Faithful and True, Tutor
Amon  (Biblical)
Faithful, True
Archibald  (German)
From the Old German Ercanbald Meaning True and Bold
Archibald  (English)
True and Bold, Valuable. Introduced from German During the Norman Conquest, Archibald Replaced an Old English Form of the Name
Archibald  (Scottish)
True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Archie  (English)
A Popular Diminutive of Archibald, Meaning True and Bold, Valuable. Famous Bearers: a Ventriloquist's Dummy in the Radio Programme 'Educating Archie'; a Philisophical Cockroach Created by American Wri
Archie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Archy  (English)
Diminutive of Archer: Good With Bow and Arrow. Also a Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold, Valuable
Archy  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Arshad  (Hindu)
Devoted; True
Baldie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Barry  (Celtic)
Good Marksman, Reserved, Strong, True, Rather Slow-minded
Dearbhail  (Irish)
True Desire
Derval  (Irish)
True Desire
Dervilia  (Irish)
True Desire
Dervla  (Irish)
True Desire
Devorgilla  (Scottish)
True Oath, True Testimony; an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Diorbhail. (Deh-vor-gil-lah)
Dillon  (Celtic)
Faithful and True
Dilys  (Welsh)
Genuine, Perfect, True. This Name Was First Used in Wales in the Mid-th Century
Dorothy  (Scottish)
True Oath, True Testimony; an Anglicized Form of Gaelic Diorbhail
Emeth  (Hebrew)
Faithful, True
Friedhelm  (Teutonic)
True Peace
Haneef  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanif: True Believer. Orthodox
Haneefa  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanifa: True Believer
Hanif  (Muslim)
True Believer. Orthodox
Hanifa  (Muslim)
True Believer
Hanifah  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanifa: True Believer
Justin  (French)
Just or True
Loyal  (French)
Loyal  (English)
Faithful, True
Memucan  (Biblical)
Impoverished, to Prepare, Certain, True
Orla  (Irish)
One of True Beauty; Originally a Boy's Name from Denmark. it Was Presumably Left Behind in Ireland With Some Child of the Viking Raiders. in Denmark, Orla Means Strong and Manly
Orval  (French)
Variant of Orville: Gold Town. Famous Bearer: Aviator Orville Wright (-) Who (Along With His Brother Wilbur) Designed and Built the First True Airplane
Orville  (French)
Gold Town. Famous Bearer: Aviator Orville Wright (-) Who (Along With His Brother Wilbur) Designed and Built the First True Airplane
Rasheed  (Muslim)
Variant of Rashid: Rightly Guided. Having the True Faith. Pious
Rashid  (Muslim)
Rightly Guided. Having the True Faith. Pious
Ronnie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Veronica: True Image; Honest Image. Biblical - from the Maiden Who Handed Christ Her Handkerchief on the Way to Calvary. His Likeness Miraculously Appeared on the Handkerchief, Thus She
Ronny  (Latin)
True Image
Sati  (Indian)
Satswaroop  (Hindu)
Satyanand  (Hindu)
True Happiness
Satyavati  (Indian)
Shaahida  (Muslim)
Variant of Shahida: Witness. True Copy
Shahida  (Muslim)
Witness. True Copy
Trigg  (Norse)
TRUE  (English)
Truesdale  (English)
From the Beloved One's Farm
Truesdell  (English)
From the Beloved One's Farm
Truett  ()
Origin Unknown
75 names found for "True"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Ether | Amey | Xaria | Alexandra | Winda | Karna | Michio | Halhul | Noph | Belinda | Rangle | Weeko | Tarsus | Cache | Sly |