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Meaning of the Name Tumu

The first name Tumu is of American origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

American: Deer Thinking About Going to Eat Wild Onions

Similar Names

Tam | Tema | Tiimu | Tim | Timo | Timun | Tom | Tuan | Tum | Tumo |

Related Names

Haman  (Biblical)
Noise, Tumult
Heman  (Biblical)
Their Trouble, Tumult, Much, in Great Number
Sheva  (Biblical)
Vanity, Elevation, Fame, Tumult
Sion  (Biblical)
Noise, Tumult
Sion  (Biblical)
Noise, Tumult
Tristan  (English)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristan  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristan  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristen  (Arthurian Legend)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristen  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristen  (English)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristen  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristian  (Arthurian Legend)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristian  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristian  (English)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristian  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristin  (Arthurian Legend)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristin  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristin  (English)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristin  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristyn  (Welsh)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan
Trystan  (Welsh)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan

Additional Names

Sheila | Sharona | Tyfiell | Anasztaz | Talulah | Lace | Shashai | Rhona | Kalindi | Luke | Keegan | Caieta | Otrera | Danylets | Andreanna |