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Meaning of the Name Tyro

The first name Tyro is of Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: A Nymph

Similar Names

Taro | Tauro | Tor | Tore | Torio | Toro | Torr | Toru | Tory | Troi |

Related Names

Ty  (Irish)
Diminutive of Tyrone: Eoghan's Land (From a County in Ireland)
Ty  (American)
Short for Tyler,Tyrone
Tyrone  (Irish)
From Owen's Territory. County Tyrone in Ireland. The Late Actor Tyrone Power
Tyrone  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Land of Owen, Young Soldier
Tyrone  (Greek)
Tyrone  (Latin)
Tyronica  (African American)
Goddess of Battle
Tyronne  (Irish)
From Owen's Territory. County Tyrone in Ireland. The Late Actor Tyrone Power
Tyrus  (English)
Modern Blend of Tyrone and Cyrus; or a Reference to the Ancient Phoenician City of Tyre

Additional Names

Vidor | Lean | Shelomi | Osraed | Nudar | Nick | Ishod | Fareh | Cerin | Casey | Zaahida | Magan | Chloe | Lundy | Adelynn |