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Meaning of the Name Tyrone

The first name Tyrone is of Irish, Celtic/Gaelic, Greek, Latin origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Irish: From Owen's Territory. County Tyrone in Ireland. The Late Actor Tyrone Power
Celtic/Gaelic: Land of Owen, Young Soldier
Greek: Lord
Latin: Soldier

Similar Names

Taron | Tron | Tyronne | Torne | Trine | Tryne |

Related Names

Ty  (Irish)
Diminutive of Tyrone: Eoghan's Land (From a County in Ireland)
Ty  (American)
Short for Tyler,Tyrone
Tyronne  (Irish)
From Owen's Territory. County Tyrone in Ireland. The Late Actor Tyrone Power
Tyrus  (English)
Modern Blend of Tyrone and Cyrus; or a Reference to the Ancient Phoenician City of Tyre

Additional Names

Areopagus | Eneas | Aberama | Athaleyah | Odell | Bethany | Calyce | Rad | Ilyaas | Isaiah | Long | Alanzo | Baseemah | Kristof | Frieda |