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Meaning of the Name Udit

The first name Udit is of Hindu, Indian origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hindu: Thriving
Indian: grown, awakened, shining

Similar Names

Uaid | Udath | Uday | Udo | Uditi |

Related Names

Baqir  (Islamic)
Learned, Erudite
Giuditta  (Italian)
Italian Form of Judith. Praised
Jodi  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Jodie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Jody  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Judi  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Judit  (Hebrew)
Judit  (Swedish)
Swedish Forrn of Judith: Praised
Judith  (Hebrew)
From Judah
Judith  (Hebrew)
Jewess. Praised
Judith  (Hebrew)
Praise,Proud, Tender, Masterful; Also Fern. of Judah. (Judi, Judie, Judy)
Judith  (Biblical)
The Praised One
Judith  (English)
The Praised One; Derived from Hebrew Jehudith and Yehudit. Pet Forms: Judi, Judie, Judy. (Joo-dith)
Judith  (Latin)
Juditha  (Hebrew)
From Judea
Judy  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Moserah  (Biblical)
Erudition, Discipline
Moserah  (Biblical)
Erudition, Discipline
Moseroth  (Biblical)
Erudition, Discipline
Moseroth  (Biblical)
Erudition, Discipline
Uditi  (Hindu)
Rising Sun
Yehudit  (Hebrew)
Yuhudit  (Hebrew)

Additional Names

Denisse | Bernhold | Juci | Pawl | Corann | Eliza | Skylor | Aneta | Deb | Leofric | Grimhild | Powa | Fife | Brita | Bell |