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Meaning of the Name Uriel

The first name Uriel is of Hebrew, Biblical origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: God is My Light
Hebrew: Angel of Light (Uri, Uriah)
Biblical: The Lord is My Light or Fire
Hebrew: Angel of Light

Related Names

Auriel  (Hebrew)
Lion of God
Auriel  (Latin)
Aurielle  (Latin)
Duriel  (Hebrew)
God is My Home
Lauriel  (English)
The Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Marella  (Celtic)
Shining Sea. Variant of Muriel
Marella  (Irish)
Shining Sea. Variant of Muriel
Marilla  (Celtic)
Shining Sea. Variant of Muriel
Marilla  (Irish)
Shining Sea. Variant of Muriel
Meriel  (English)
Variant of Muriel, Meaning Shining Sea
Meriel  (Celtic)
Variant of Muriel: Bright Sea
Meryl  (Celtic)
Variant of Muriel: Bright Sea
Muriel  (Celtic)
Shining Sea
Muriel  (Greek)
Myrrh, Myra, Myrtle, Practical, Timorous, Upright, Loves the Open Air
Muriel  (Arabic)
Muriel  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Name Merle
Nuri  (Hebrew)
Flaming Lights (Nur, Nuriel, Nury)
Tzuriel  (Hebrew)
God is My Rock
Zuriel  (Hebrew)
Zuriel  (Biblical)
Rock or Strength of God
Zuriel  (Hebrew)
The Lord is My Rock

Additional Names

MacAlister | Ambruslne | Aglauros | Gulielma | Jose | Ketaki | Cymberly | Cirilo | Dion | Jibril | Divyatej | Chankoowashtay | Thorpe | Asha | Sephar |