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Meaning of the Name Urim

The first name Urim is of Biblical origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: Lights, Fires
Biblical: Lights, Fires

Similar Names

Urian | Urien | Urmi |

Related Names

Asshurim  (Biblical)
Liers in Want; Beholders
Asshurim  (Biblical)
Liers in Want; Beholders
Bahurim  (Biblical)
Choice, Warlike, Valiant
Bahurim  (Biblical)
Choice, Warlike, Valiant
Helkath-hazzurim  (Biblical)
The Field of Strong Men; or of Rocks
Purim  (Biblical)
Purim  (Biblical)

Additional Names

Kuhlbert | Charlotte | Aisley | Melwas | Conway | Odessa | Mordecai | Kushal | Asasia | Cady | Galchobhar | Dillon | Stewert | Greguska | Douglas |