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Meaning of the Name Uthai

The first name Uthai is of Biblical origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: My Iniquity

Similar Names

Uta |

Related Names

Buthainah  (Arabic)
Soft Sand
Luthais  (Gaelic)
Famous in Battle
Luthais  (Scottish)
Famous Warrior
Luthais  (Gaelic)
Famous Warrior; a Gaelic Form of Lewis. (Loo-ee)
Sruthair  (Irish)
From the Stream

Additional Names

Jan | Salome | Tilden | Osmond | Milo | Nemo | Hobart | Tathagata | Camron | Anteros | Danell | Ashtin | Melisande | Timothea | Rule |