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Names That Mean Valen

142 names found for "Valen"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Valen? We couldn't find the exact name Valen, but listed below are some first names meaning Valen or names similar to the word Valen.

Similar Names

Valena | Valin | Vallen | Valene | Valma | Valyn |

Related Names

Aadam  (Muslim)
Variant of Adam: the Biblical Adam is the English Language Equivalent
Adam  (Muslim)
The Biblical Adam is the English Language Equivalent
Al-Yasa'  (Muslim)
The Biblical Elijah is the English Language Equivalent
Artemis  (Greek)
Virgin Goddess of the Moon; Huntress; Goddess of the Hunt. Mythology; the Equivalent of the Roman Diana
Ayoob  (Muslim)
Variant of Ayub: a Biblical Prophet's Name. Job is the English Language Equivalent
Ayub  (Muslim)
A Biblical Prophet's Name. Job is the English Language Equivalent
Ayyoob  (Muslim)
Variant of Ayub: a Biblical Prophet's Name. Job is the English Language Equivalent
Baldwin  (English)
From the Old English Bealdwine, or the Old German Equivalent Baldavin, Meaning Bold Friend. Frequently Used in Medieval Britain, and Was the Basis of a Number of Surnames
Bu'ras  (Muslim)
Variant of Butras: the Biblical Name Peter is the English Language Equivalent
Butras  (Muslim)
The Biblical Name Peter is the English Language Equivalent
Contessa  (Italian)
Royalty; the Title is the Feminine Equivalent of Count
Countess  (English)
Titled. Feminine Equivalent of Count
Crisdean  (Scottish)
Bearing Christ, Derived from the Gaelic Criosd (Christ). The Name is Seen As Equivalent to the English Christopher
Czarina  (Latin)
Feminine of Czar. Russian Equivalent to a Female Caesar or Empress
Czarina  (Russian)
Feminine of Czar. Russian Equivalent to a Female Caesar or Empress
Daa'ood  (Muslim)
Variant of Daud: the Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Daud  (Muslim)
The Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Dawood  (Muslim)
Variant of Daud: the Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Dawoud  (Muslim)
Variant of Daud: the Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Denney  (English)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Dennie  (English)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Dennie  (Greek)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Dennis  (English)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Dennison  (Greek)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Denny  (English)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Dona  (Spanish)
Lady. Respectful Title and Female Equivalent of the Title Don
Donna  (Italian)
Lady. Respectful Title and Female Equivalent of Don
Easau  (Muslim)
Variant of Issa: the Biblical Jesus is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Eesaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Issa: the Biblical Jesus is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Elyas  (Muslim)
Variant of Ilyas: the Biblical Elijah is the English Language Equivalent
Emil  (Latin)
Excellent. Masculine Equivalent of Emily, from the Name Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Also a Variant of Amelia
Emlyn  (Latin)
Excellent. Masculine Equivalent of Emily, from the Name Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Also a Variant of Amelia
Ethelinda  (English)
From Aethelind, the Old English Equivalent of an Old German Name Derived from Athal 'Noble' and Lindi 'snake'
Ethne  (Gaelic)
Feminine Equivalent of the Irish Gaelic Aidan, a Name Popular in the Th Century After the Famous Irish Monk Aidan
Gian  (Italian)
Italian Form of John 'God is Gracious' Abbreviation of John Often Used in Combination With Other Names. Gianni is Equivalent to Johnny
Haabeel  (Muslim)
Variant of Habil: the Biblical Abel is the English Language Equivalent
Haaroon  (Muslim)
Variant of Harun: the Biblical Aaron is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Habil  (Muslim)
The Biblical Abel is the English Language Equivalent
Harun  (Muslim)
The Biblical Aaron is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Hood  (Muslim)
Variant of Hud: the Biblical Hud is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Houd  (Muslim)
Variant of Hud: the Biblical Hud is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Hud  (Muslim)
The Biblical Hud is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Ibraaheem  (Muslim)
Variant of Ibrahim: the Biblical Abraham is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Ibraheem  (Muslim)
Variant of Ibrahim: the Biblical Abraham is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Ibrahim  (Muslim)
The Biblical Abraham is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Ideeq  (Muslim)
Variant of Idiq: the Biblical Isaac is the English Language Equivalent
Idiq  (Muslim)
The Biblical Isaac is the English Language Equivalent
Idms  (Muslim)
The Biblical Enoch is the English Language Equivalent
Ilyaas  (Muslim)
Variant of Ilyas: the Biblical Elijah is the English Language Equivalent
Ilyas  (Muslim)
The Biblical Elijah is the English Language Equivalent
142 names found for "Valen"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Zippor | Hedwig | Amice | Coire | Madhukar | MacBride | Badi'a | Rinan | Kern | Evin | Cher | Mercer | Nodin | Abdul Rauf | Robena |