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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 111 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Shaakira  (Muslim)
Variant of Shakira: Thankful. Grateful
Shabaana  (Muslim)
Variant of Shabana: Belonging to Night. Young Lady
Shabeeba  (Muslim)
Variant of Shabiba: Godmother. Sponsor
Shadee  (Muslim)
Variant of Shadi: Singer
Shae  (Irish)
Variant of Shea: Courteous
Shafaa'at  (Muslim)
Variant of Shafa'At: Mediation. Advocacy
Shafee'  (Muslim)
Variant of Shafi': Advocate. Mediator
Shafeeq  (Muslim)
Variant of Shafiq: Kind. Compassionate. Tender
Shafeeqa  (Muslim)
Variant of Shafiqa: Kind. Compassionate
Shagoofa  (Muslim)
Variant of Shagufa: Bud. New
Shahaab  (Muslim)
Variant of Shahab: Shooting Star. Luminous
Shahbaaz  (Muslim)
Variant of Shahbaz: White Falcon. King of Falcons
Shaheena  (Muslim)
Variant of Shahina: Falconess
Shahlaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Shahla: Having Bluish Black Eyes
Shahnaaz  (Muslim)
Variant of Shahnaz: Bride. Pride of a King
Shahzaada  (Muslim)
Variant of Shahzada: Prince. King's Son
Shahzaadee  (Muslim)
Variant of Shahzadi: Princess
Shai  (Irish)
Variant of Shea: Courteous
Shaidaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Shaida: Lover. Madly in Love
Shain  (Irish)
Variant of Shaun from John
Shaine  (Irish)
Variant of Shaun from John
Shakeel  (Muslim)
Variant of Shakil: Handsome. Good Looking
Shakeela  (Muslim)
Variant of Shakila: Well Shaped. Beautiful
Shakoora  (Muslim)
Variant of Shakura: Very Thankful
Shaleeqa  (Muslim)
Variant of Shaliqa: Real Sister. Migraine
Shameem  (Muslim)
Variant of Shamim: Odor. Scent
Shameema  (Muslim)
Variant of Shamima: Scent. Flavor
Shammee  (Muslim)
Variant of Shammi: Olfactory
Shams  (Muslim)
Variant of Shems: the Sun. A Planet
Shamsuddeen  (Muslim)
Variant of Shemsuddin: Sun of the Faith
Shamus  (Irish)
Irish Variant of James: Supplanter
Shamus  (English)
Variant of James: Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
Shan  (Irish)
Variant of Shaun from John
Shandon  (Irish)
Variant of Shaun from John
Shandy  (Irish)
Variant of Shaun from John
Shane  (English)
God is Gracious; Anglicized Form of Gaelic Seaghan, a Variant of Eoin, Which is the Gaelic Form of John
Shane  (Irish)
Variant of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Shani  (Irish)
Present. Also a Feminine Form of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Shann  (Irish)
Variant of Shaun from John
Shanna  (American)
Variant of Shannon
Sharaafat  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharafat: Nobility. Good Manners
Sharaara  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharara: Spark. Lightning
Shareef  (Arabic)
Variant of Sharif: Illustrious
Shareef  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharif: Noble. Eminent. Distinguished
Shareefa  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharifa: Distinguished. Noble
Shareeka  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharika: Partner. Participant
Sharifah  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharifa: Distinguished. Noble
Sharlene  (English)
Feminine Variant of Charles Meaning Manly
Sharron  (Hebrew)
Variant of Sharon: from the Plain of Sharon (In the Holy Land); from the Land of Sharon
Shauden  (Irish)
Variant of John from Sean
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 111 of 121) 

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Additional Names

Midori | Kahleil | Wanikiy | Cappi | Iconium | Mikael | Katy | Brady | Bushy | Brady | Margot | Emmanuela | Catelyn | Voshkie | Orrel |