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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 39 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Crandal  (English)
Variant of Crandall: Crane Valley
Cranleigh  (English)
Variant of Cranley: Crane Meadow
Crayton  (English)
Variant of Creighton: Rocky Town
Crepin  (Latin)
Variant of Crispin: Curly-haired
Creswell  (English)
Variant of Cresswell: Watercress River
Cris  (Spanish)
Variant Abbreviation of Christopher and Christian
Crisann  (Spanish)
Variant of Chrysantus
Crisanna  (Spanish)
Variant of Chrysantus
Crispen  (Latin)
Variant of Crispin: Curly-haired
Crispian  (Latin)
Variant of Crispin: Curly-haired
Crispino  (Latin)
Variant of Crispin: Curly-haired
Crispo  (Latin)
Variant of Crispin: Curly-haired
Crispus  (Latin)
Variant of Crispin: Curly-haired
Cristen  (English)
Variant of Christian
Cristin  (English)
Variant of Christian
Cristobal  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Cristoforo  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Cristyn  (English)
Variant of Christian
Crosbey  (English)
Variant of Crosby: by the Cross
Crosbie  (English)
Variant of Crosby: by the Cross
Croslea  (English)
Variant of Crosley: Meadow With a Cross
Crossland  (English)
Variant of Crosland: Literally 'Cross Land'
Crossley  (English)
Variant of Crosley: Meadow With a Cross
Crystal  (Latin)
Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ
Crystal  (English)
A Jewel Name from the English Word Crystal, Referring to Crystal Glass, Based on the Greek 'Krustallos' Meaning Ice. Also a Variant of Christiana, Meaning Follower of Christ
Ctik  (Czech)
Variant of Ctibor: an Honourable Fight
Ctislav  (Czech)
Variant of Ceslav: Glorious Honour
Cuilean  (Irish)
Variant of Coilean: Puppy
Cuithbeart  (English)
Variant of Cuthbert: Famous
Cuithbrig  (English)
Variant of Cuthbert: Famous
Cullan  (Irish)
Good-looking Lad. Also a Variant of Cullent: Holly
Cullin  (Irish)
Good-looking Lad. Also a Variant of Cullent: Holly
Cullin  (Gaelic)
Variant of Cullen: Handsome; Good-looking Lad
Curt  (German)
Variant of Conrad
Cyd  (English)
Variant Abbreviation of Sydney, Meaning 'From St. Denis'
Cyd  (English)
Variand Abbreviation of Sydney, Meaning 'From St. Denis'
Cydnee  (English)
Variant of Sydney, Meaning 'From St. Denis.'
Cydney  (English)
Variant of Sydney. from St. Denis
Cydney  (English)
Variant of Sydney. from St. Denis
Cyntia  (Spanish)
Variant of Greek Name Cynthia - One of the Names of the Mythological Mood Goddess Artemis Referring to Her Birth on Mount Cynthus
Cyrille  (Greek)
Variant of Cyril: Lord
Cyrillus  (Greek)
Variant of Cyril: Lord
Czar  (Russian)
Emperor. Variant of Caesar
Czeck  (Polish)
Variant of Czeslaw: Glory and Honour
Czesiek  (Polish)
Variant of Czeslaw: Glory and Honour
D'Angelo  (Italian)
Variant of Deangelo: from the Angel
D'anton  (French)
Variant of Anthony
D'arcy  (French)
Dark. from Arcy. Variant of Darcy
Daa'ood  (Muslim)
Variant of Daud: the Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Daanaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Dana: Wise. Intelligent
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 39 of 121) 

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Additional Names

Ganieda | Ravana | Bukki | Levene | Donagh | Yolanda | Eikki | Odelina | Cuth | Catalin | Alton | Okpara | Yashodhar | Ansel | Wapi |