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Names That Mean Vine

375 names found for "Vine"   (page 7 of 8) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Looking for names that mean Vine? We couldn't find the exact name Vine, but listed below are some first names meaning Vine or names similar to the word Vine.

Similar Names

Van | Ven | Vin | Vinay | Vinn | Vinnie | Vinny | Vinue | Von | Vonn |

Related Names

Osmond  (English)
Divine Protector
Osmont  (English)
Divine Protector
Osmund  (English)
Variant of Osmond: Divine Protector
Osraed  (English)
Divine Counselor
Osred  (English)
Divine Counselor
Osric  (Anglo Saxon)
Divine Ruler
Osric  (English)
Divine Ruler
Osric  (Teutonic)
Divine Ruler
Osrick  (English)
Divine Ruler
Osrid  (English)
Divine Counselor
Osrik  (English)
Divine Ruler
Osrik  (Teutonic)
Divine Ruler
Osryd  (English)
Divine Counselor
Ossie  (English)
Diminutive of Oscar: Divine Spear; God's Spear. Famous Bearer: Poet Oscar Wilde (-), Who Was Put on Trial and Imprisoned for Homosexuality
Ossie  (English)
God's Divine Power
Ossy  (English)
Diminutive of Oscar: Divine Spear; God's Spear. Famous Bearer: Poet Oscar Wilde (-), Who Was Put on Trial and Imprisoned for Homosexuality
Osvald  (Teutonic)
Divine Power
Oswald  (English)
Divine Power
Oswald  (Teutonic)
Divine Power
Oswald  (Teutonic)
Divine Power, Firm, Generous, Proud, Dignified
Oswaldo  (Teutonic)
Divine Power
Osweald  (English)
Divinely Powerful
Oswell  (English)
Divinely Powerful
Oswin  (English)
Divine Friend; God's Friend
Oz  (English)
Ozzie  (English)
Diminutive of Oswald: Divine Power
Ozzie  (English)
God's Divine Power
Ozzy  (English)
Diminutive of Oswald: Divine Power
Ozzy  (English)
God's Divine Power
Papina  (Native American)
A Vine Growing on an Oak Tree
Papina  (Native American)
Vine on an Oak Tree
Pheodora  (Russian)
Divine Gift
Saurav  (Indian)
divine, celestial
Selma  (Teutonic)
Divine Helmet. A Feminine Derivative of Anselm
Selma  (German)
Divine Protector
Sema  (Greek)
Divine Omen
Shakti  (Hindu)
Divine Woman
Sheila  (English)
Divine Place (Sheelah, Sheilah, Shelia)
Sorek  (Biblical)
Vine, Hissing, a Color Inclining to Yellow
Sorek  (Biblical)
Vine, Hissing, a Color Inclining to Yellow
Talib  (Hindu)
Ted  (English)
Divine Gift
Teddy  (English)
Divine Gift
Tekla  (Swedish)
Divine Fame
Tekla  (Greek)
Devine Fame
Tekli  (Polish)
Polish Form of Tekla: Divine Fame
Teodora  (Bulgaria)
Divine Gift (Todorka)
Teofile  (Greek)
Divinely Loved
Thekla  (Greek)
Divine Fame
Theo  (Greek)
Divine Gift
375 names found for "Vine"   (page 7 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Broden | Domicio | Leyna | Ainslie | Joyce | Lutfiyya | Dalr | Holman | Bainbridge | Lethia | Terrah | Adina | Archer | Larraine | Danielle |