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Meaning of the Name Wilf

The first name Wilf is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Diminutive of Wilfred: Peace/Will

Similar Names

Wolf | Wolfe | Wulf | Wilva |

Related Names

Eva  (Hebrew)
Life, Feminine, Wilful, Emotional
Telma  (Spanish)
Variant of Greek Thelma: Will; Wilful
Wilford  (German)
Desires Peace
Wilford  (English)
Ford by the Willows
Wilford  (English)
From the Willow Ford 'Desires Peace.'
Wilfred  (English)
Wilfred  (English)
Peaceful or Willow Tree Near Ford
Wilfred  (German)
Resolute or Peaceful
Wilfred  (Teutonic)
Resolute Peace
Wilfred  (Teutonic)
Resolute Peace, Religious, Forgiving, Just, Inclined to Be Self-centred
Wilfreda  (English)
Feminine Form of Wilfred: Peace, Will
Wilfredo  (German)
Desires Peace
Wilfredo  (English)
Desires Peace
Wilfrid  (German)
Resolute or Peaceful
Wilfrid  (Teutonic)
Resolute Peace
Wilfrid  (English)
Wilfrid  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a Saint
Wilfrida  (English)
Feminine Form of Wilfred: Peace, Will
Wilfryd  (English)

Additional Names

Ada | Corydon | Romia | Suttecliff | Kane | Jagajeevan | Nehal | Adene | Clementina | Eimhin | Ernestine | Silvius | Forbia | Hanuman | Mutaqaddim |