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Meaning of the Name Wilfred

The first name Wilfred is of English, German, Teutonic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Peace
English: Peaceful or Willow Tree Near Ford
German: Resolute or Peaceful
Teutonic: Resolute Peace
Teutonic: Resolute Peace, Religious, Forgiving, Just, Inclined to Be Self-centred

Similar Names

Walford | Walfred | Walfrid | Welford | Wilford | Wilfredo | Wilfrid | Wilfryd | Willifrid | Wilfreda |

Related Names

Wilf  (English)
Diminutive of Wilfred: Peace/Will
Wilfreda  (English)
Feminine Form of Wilfred: Peace, Will
Wilfredo  (English)
Desires Peace
Wilfredo  (German)
Desires Peace
Wilfrida  (English)
Feminine Form of Wilfred: Peace, Will

Additional Names

Crandal | Nidra | Yashaskar | Harold | Caroll | Timnah | Stefon | Crispina | Cerise | Georgiana | Egbertyne | Hagan | Avalloc | Feltin | Nassor |