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Names That Mean Will

397 names found for "Will"   (page 6 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Will? We couldn't find the exact name Will, but listed below are some first names meaning Will or names similar to the word Will.

Similar Names

Wa'il | Wal | Wall | Wally | Wiley | Willa | Willie | Willy | Wilu | Willow |

Related Names

Ridhwan  (Muslim)
Variant of Rizwan: Acceptance. Good Will. Name of the Keeper of the Gates of Heaven
Rizwan  (Muslim)
Acceptance. Good Will. Name of the Keeper of the Gates of Heaven
Safford  (English)
From the Willow Ford
Salford  (English)
From the Willow Ford
Salhdene  (English)
From the Willow Valley
Salhford  (English)
From the Willow Ford
Salhtun  (English)
Lives Near the Willow Farm
Salton  (English)
Lives Near the Willow Farm
Sauville  (French)
From the Willow Farm
Savill  (Latin)
From the Willow Farm
Saville  (French)
From the Willow Farm
Sebastian  (Shakespearean)
'Twelfth Night', Also Called 'What You Will' Brother of Viola. 'The Tempest' Sebastian, Brother to Alonso
Selby  (English)
Willow Farm; from the Manor House
Selden  (English)
From the Willow Valley
Seldon  (English)
From the Willow Valley
Seldon  (English)
Valley of Whispering Willows (Selden, Sliden, Shelden, Sheldon)
Seosamh  (Hebrew)
God Will Multiply
Seosaph  (Hebrew)
God Will Multiply
Shelby  (English)
From the Manor House 'Willow Farm.' English Surname Used More for Girls Than Boys Given Names
Shelby  (Scandinavian)
Willow Farm. English Surname Used More for Girls Than Boys Given Names
Stacey  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Eustace: Fruitful, Productive. Diminutive of Anastasia: Resurrection. One Who Will Be Reborn
Stacy  (Greek)
Diminutive of Anastasia: Resurrection. One Who Will Be Reborn. Famous Bearer: Anastasia, Famous Daughter of Tsar Nicholas Li, Last Emperor of Russia, Who Many Believe Survived the Massacre of Her Fami
Stafford  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Sir Humphrey Stafford. Also William Stafford, His Brother. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Lord Stafford
Stanley  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Sir John Stanley. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Sir William Stanley. 'King Richard Iii' Lord Stanley, Called Also Earl of Derby
Tasya  (Russian)
Abbreviation of Anastasia 'One Who Will Be Reborn
Tazia  (Italian)
Abbreviation of Anastasia: One Who Will Be Reborn
Telma  (Spanish)
Variant of Greek Thelma: Will; Wilful
Thelma  (English)
This Name Was Invented by British Writer Marie Corelli, Who Gave it to Her Heroine in Her Novel 'Thelma' . it May Be Based on the Greek Word for Will
Tilda  (German)
Diminutive of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Tilly  (German)
Diminutive of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Toby  (Shakespearean)
'Twelfth Night', Also Called 'What You Will' Sir Toby Belch, Uncle of Olivia
Uilleam  (Gaelic)
Resolute Protector; Gaelic Form of William. Variations: Uilliam. Pet Names: Uilleachan, Uillidh. (Wil-lem)
Ulla  (Swedish)
Ulla  (German)
Has Willpower
Ulrika  (Swedish)
Valentine  (Shakespearean)
'Two Gentlemen of Verona' One of the Two Gentlemen in the Title. 'The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus' Kinsman to Titus. 'Twelfth Night', Also Called 'What You Will' Gentleman Attending on the Duke
Victoria  (Latin)
Conqueror, Self-willed, Intellectual, Couragious, Home Loving Nature
Vila  (Slavic)
From William
Vilhelm  (Danish)
Danish Form of William
Vilhelm  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of William 'Determined Protector'
Viljo  (Finnish)
Form of William
Viola  (Shakespearean)
'Twelfth Night', Also Called 'What You Will' Sister of Sebastian
Vrba  (Czechoslovakian)
Wal  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Wallace: Welshman; Stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish Hero Sir William Wallace (Executed in ).Welshman; Stranger
Wallace  (Scottish)
Welshman; Stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish Hero Sir William Wallace (Executed in ).Welshman; Stranger
Wallis  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Wallace: Welshman; Stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish Hero Sir William Wallace (Executed in ).'Welshman; Stranger
Wally  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Wallace: Welshman; Stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish Hero Sir William Wallace (Executed in ).Welshman; Stranger
Wichado  (American)
Wilber  (English)
Willful; Bright
Wilber  (German)
Willful; Bright
397 names found for "Will"   (page 6 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Janae | Firoz | Cleantha | Hisoka | Dantel | Kelby | Merrill | Farran | Elgin | Trina | Roar | Kylie | Gita | Shani | Raamah |