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Names That Mean Wise

381 names found for "Wise"   (page 3 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Wise? We couldn't find the exact name Wise, but listed below are some first names meaning Wise or names similar to the word Wise.

Similar Names

Wake | Wasee' | Wasi' | Wes | Wicek | Wies |

Related Names

Condan  (Celtic)
Dark Haired Wise Man
Condon  (Celtic)
Dark Haired Wise Man
Conleth  (Irish)
Ardent or Wise
Conley  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise. Also a Diminutive of Conlan: Hero
Conn  (Celtic)
Mythical Son of Lir: Wise; High; Mighty
Conn  (Irish)
Wise; High and Mighty
Connacht  (Irish)
Brave or Wise
Conner  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Connie  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise. Also a Diminutive of Conlan: Hero
Connlaio  (Irish)
Ardent or Wise
Connolly  (Irish)
Brave or Wise
Connor  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise 'Hound-lover.' Also from the Irish 'Coachuhhar', Meaning High Desire. Famous Bearers: in Irish Mythology Connor Was an Early King of Ulster.; Th Century Irish Diplomat Conor Crui
Conny  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise. Also a Diminutive of Conlan: Hero
Conor  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise 'Hound-lover.' Also from the Irish 'Coachuhhar', Meaning High Desire
Conquhare  (Irish)
Variant of Conchobhar: Strong Dog; Strong Willed or Wise
Conrad  (German)
Bold, Wise Counselor
Conrad  (Slavic)
Brave; Wise
Conrad  (German)
Honest Advisor Brave; Wise
Conroy  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Wise Man
Conroy  (Irish)
Wise or Red
Conroy  (Gaelic)
Conyn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Caw 'Wise'
Cornelia  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Cornelius: Strong Willed or Wise. Cornelius is Sometimes Used As a Translation of the Name Conchubhar Meaning High Desire
Cornelius  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise. Cornelius is Sometimes Used As a Translation of the Name Conchubhar Meaning High Desire
Corney  (Irish)
Diminutive of Cornelius: Strong Willed or Wise. Cornelius is Sometimes Used As a Translation of the Name Conchubhar Meaning High Desire
Cuinn  (Celtic)
Cuinn  (Gaelic)
Cuinn  (Irish)
Wise; Intelligent
Daanaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Dana: Wise. Intelligent
Dall  (Gaelic)
Dallas  (Gaelic)
Dallas  (Gaelic)
Wise, a City in Texas
Dallas  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Dan  (Hebrew)
Judge, Also Used As Contraction for Daniel, Which See. Humorous, Wise. (Daniel)
Dana  (Islamic)
Wise, Learned
Dana  (Muslim)
Wise. Intelligent
Dara  (Hebrew)
Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Darah  (Hebrew)
Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Dareen  (Hebrew)
Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Darice  (Hebrew)
Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Darissa  (Hebrew)
Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Darra  (Hebrew)
Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Darrah  (Hebrew)
Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Drew  (Anglo Saxon)
Drew  (English)
Drew  (Welsh)
Drewe  (English)
Variant of Drew: Wise
Dru  (English)
Variant of Drew: Wise
Druce  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Druid, Wise Man
Druce  (Celtic)
381 names found for "Wise"   (page 3 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Haidee | Aldfrith | Cochlain | Iluminada | Asher | Ely | Bronson | Corie | Hazarenan | Meekaa'eel | Helga | Sumati | Antonia | Colonel | Lanston |