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Meaning of the Name Wolfe

The first name Wolfe is of English, Teutonic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: The Wolf
English: Wolf
Teutonic: Wolf

Similar Names

Wilf | Wolf | Wulf |

Related Names

Odwolfe  (English)
Wealthy Wolf
Wolcott  (English)
Lives in Wolfe's Cottage
Wolfcot  (English)
Lives in Wolfe's Cottage
Wolfgang  (German)
Wolf Coming (Wolf, Wolfe)
Woolcott  (English)
Lives in Wolfe's Cottage
Wulfcot  (English)
Lives in Wolfe's Cottage

Additional Names

Sylvan | Britt | Laila | Tobrytan | Kamal | Deiphobus | Farand | Azizi | Jolon | Zen | Ben | Primo | Tahir | Maribeth | Aimee |