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Meaning of the Name Yash

The first name Yash is of Indian origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Indian: victory, glory

Similar Names

Yago | Yas | Yasha | Yashas | Yasuo | Yoshi | Yachi | Yaqu' | Yasu | Yoshe |

Related Names

Ayasha  (Native American)
Little One (Chippewa)
Ayasha  (Native American)
Little One
Ayashe  (Native American)
Little One (Chippewa)
Ayashe  (Native American)
Little One
Jaswant  (Indian)
victorious (Yashwant)
Jayashekhar  (Indian)
crest of victory
Jayashri  (Indian)
goddess of victory
Jayashri  (Hindu)
Goddess of Victory
Jayashri  (Hindu)
Successful (Jayasree)
Matvey  (Russian)
Gift of God (Matyash,Motka)
Natyashenka  (Russian)
Born at Christmas
Yasha  (Russian)
Defends Man
Yashas  (Hindu)
Yashaskar  (Hindu)
Yashaswini  (Hindu)
Successful Lady
Yashawini  (Indian)
successful lady
Yashila  (Hindu)
Yashila  (Indian)
Yashoda  (Hindu)
Krishna's Mother
Yashoda  (Indian)
Krishna's mother
Yashodhan  (Indian)
rich in fame
Yashodhar  (Hindu)
Yashodhara  (Indian)
one who has achieved fame
Yashpal  (Hindu)
Yashpal  (Indian)
protector of fame
Yashwant  (Hindu)
Yashwant  (Indian)
one who has achieved glory

Additional Names

Karl | Canterbury | Natala | Avent | Leopold | Tilford | Deirdre | Basim | Hurley | Dekanawida | Gur | Cuchulain | Mahola | Binnaha | Athene |